All About AWS opsWorks
What is AWS opsWorks?
OpsWorks lets you use Chef and Puppet to automate how servers are configured, deployed, and managed across your Amazon EC2 instances or on-premises compute environments. OpsWorks has three offerings, AWS Opsworks for Chef Automate, AWS OpsWorks for Puppet Enterprise, and AWS OpsWorks Stacks.
In real time example if we have 200 EC2 Instance and on that instance we launch the application, manage it and update it in that case opsWork will help up. but the necessary is we have the knowledge of “chef or puppet or in general infra as a code”
For more Info- Automated Configuration Management — AWS OpsWorks — AWS (
2. What is Stack
Stack is nothing but combination on resources like, CloudFormation, terraform
3. Login to AWS console
4. Search for opsWorks service and click on that
5. then select opsWorks app option
6. Then click on add your first stack
7. Then select “Sample Stack” with platform “Linux” as we know compare to windows Linux is fast
8. Now to create a stack you need IAM role so now we create a IAM role for same
9. Create a Roles and select AWS Service and under for opsWorks
10. Ok, now click on next and search for opsWorks Policy and select full access, and admin access
11. Then Click on next and give name of Roles as you want and create a policy
12. Go to again opsWorks console and refresh the page and follow the step number 5 and click on create a stack
13. Now click on explore the sample stack
14. Now click on start the instance option if you unable to see this option just click on sample where you see start the instance and hit click
15. Now wait for 2 to 3 min to start the instance. Now you can see my instance status is online and you can check also as you see my region where Stack create an Instance in “us-west-2a” you can go over there and see your instance
16. Now in left hand side click on “Apps” where you can see your application
17. Now click on “Deploy Option” and hit Deploy button
18. In right hand side panel under deployment you can check your status. After finish the process of deployment you can see “Green Tick” over there it means you deploy your app successfully
19. Now click on Host name and go to “Network & Security” and click on “Public DNS” you can see your app is deployed
20. For delete all that stuff firstly go to “Instance Option” and “Stop the Instance” don’t worry about your EC2 Instance running on “us-west-2a” when you stop from here it automatically stop in EC2 Dashboard also
21. After the instance stop click on Delete instance option and it will terminate your instance
22. After that go to apps and delete the app
23. Go to “Layers” and delete the layer also
24. then click on stack option and delete the stack also
Hope, this blog is clear your doubt about AWS opsWorks service related doubt and try to do practical to getting more knowledge and to clear the concept.