1. What is AWS App Runner
AWS App Runner is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to deploy from source code or container image directly to a scalable and secure web application.
Note- It is not Free Service
2. How to Setup AWS App Runner
1. Login to your AWS Account
2. Search App Runner Service in search console
3. Then click on Create an App Runner Service
4. Then you see two option for deployment 1. Container Registry(ECR) & another one is Source Code Registry(GitHub) in this practical we see container registry and in container registry we select Amazon ECR Public option
5. Then go to Amazon ECR public Gallery in this gallery open source public images are there, so we can use one of them image to our practical.
6. Search for httpd image because we deploy simple website on it so we select this ECR image
7. Click on httpd Image and copy the Image URL
8. Go back again APP Runner Service & paste it at Container Image URL box
9. After Scroll down little & choose deployment setting as Manual and click next
10. Then in next page enter the service name, select RAM & CPU accordingly your application need, If you have env variable put it, then select port I am using port 80. and keep other setting as default. and click on next page.
11. Review your setting and click on Create and Deploy
12. After click on Deploy wait for 2 min in a background App Runner deploy AS Group, AS Trigger, Fargate Container, Load Balancer , etc… then after few movement you see your service is deploy successfully.
13. After Successfully launch click ok Default Domain to access your website.
14. And finally here it is.
15. You can also see event log in console just refresh it
16. and that's it. if load increase it automatically scale also.
17. After your demo don’t forget to delete because as I mention starting in a blog it is not free service so please delete it to avoid unnecessary charges.
18. Just click on Action and select delete and just delete and your practical is over.