Landing Your Dream DevOps Job: Market Insights and Interview Tips

Shrihari Haridas
4 min readMar 5, 2024



So, today’s blog is not practical-based but more focused on the current DevOps job market and interview scenario. Also, please note that these are my views or perspectives, and what I have personally experienced. If I write or mention something incorrectly, you can correct me.

Current Market:

Over the last few years, technology has tremendously changed, introducing many interesting fields and tools like ChatGPT. This has completely changed the way we look at technology. However, because of this, I feel that we have forgotten our basics. Even for small problems, we tend to rely on AI. While AI is beneficial if used properly, being overly dependent on it can lead us in the wrong direction. So, use it wisely and ensure you use it properly.

DevOps Market:

Due to the widespread awareness in the market, many people are studying DevOps. Lots of people, including graduates, are entering DevOps because it’s perceived as easy, requiring less programming, and promising more money in less time. However, many are jumping directly into it without understanding the basics of networking, hardware, and programming. While I appreciate the enthusiasm, it’s essential not to overlook the details because in software/IT, these fundamentals remain crucial.

Another aspect is that people often learn DevOps or cloud computing without fully grasping the concepts. As a result, they struggle during interviews. While practical learning is essential, implementing what you learn in projects builds confidence. Whenever you work on something, try to understand the problem thoroughly and why we are solving it. Clarity on these aspects makes finding solutions easier.

Also, while working in DevOps, especially for newcomers, ensure you learn about all aspects but master at least one specific tool. Neglecting this can lead to trouble. Nowadays, it’s crucial to be proficient in tools like Kubernetes, Terraform, a cloud platform, a CI/CD platform, and at least one automation language. Choose according to your interests, but once you’ve mastered these, you can explore other tools, enhancing your career prospects.

Currently, there are jobs available in the market, but you need to search diligently because the number of job seekers outweighs the available positions. Understand this dynamic. If you’re a fresher, engage in projects and freelancing to build confidence, which also aids in securing a job.

How to Prepare for Interviews:

I believe this is the most crucial aspect, as I am also going through this process. When applying for any DevOps position, carefully read the required skill set and tailor your resume accordingly. Importantly, avoid including tools or skills you haven’t actually worked with.

Currently, interviews tend to focus more on scenario or practical-based questions to assess your knowledge and experience. Thus, it’s better to gain hands-on experience with tools and study scenario-based questions. You can easily find resources online; focus on implementation rather than theory to prepare effectively.

When answering questions, provide examples to showcase your experience and clarity of thought, making you appear more confident. Lastly, learn from each mistake and jot down the questions you struggled with, as it will expedite your preparation process.


The DevOps field is exciting with plenty of opportunities, but remember, a strong foundation and continuous learning are key. Don’t be afraid to start with projects or freelance work to gain experience, and focus on mastering one tool before moving on. By following these tips and staying prepared for interviews, you’ll be well on your way to a successful DevOps career!

Note: These are my observations and experiences in the market, so they might not apply to every situation. Feel free to correct me if anything sounds off!



Shrihari Haridas

Hello everyone, I am Shrihari Haridas I am a Cloud & DevOps Engineer, I work with most of DevOps Tools like, Jenkins, Git, Docker, etc.!& for Cloud AWS