Mastering Infrastructure with CloudPosse Atmos and Terraform

Shrihari Haridas
10 min readAug 9, 2024



In today’s blog, we’ll dive deep into learning and hands-on practice with CloudPosse Atmos. I’m not sure how familiar people are with this technology, but I’m confident that after reading this and visiting Atmos’ official documentation, you’ll be intrigued by it. In this blog, I’ve included some content from official sources, but I’ve also added my own insights and projects. I hope you enjoy this technical blog, which I’m presenting in a slightly different format today. It might be a bit longer compared to my previous posts, but I only publish blogs about topics I have hands-on experience with. I hope you find it valuable — let’s get started!

  1. What is SweetOps..?

SweetOps is a methodology for building modern, secure infrastructure on top of Amazon Web Services (AWS). It provides a toolset, library of reusable Infrastructure as Code (IaC), and opinionated patterns to help you bootstrap robust cloud native architectures. Built in an Open Source first fashion by Cloud Posse, it is utilized by many high performing startups to ensure their cloud infrastructure is an advantage instead of a liability. In short, SweetOps makes working in the DevOps world Sweet!

Who is this for?

SweetOps is for DevOps or platform engineering teams that want an opinionated way to build software platforms in the cloud. If the below sounds like you, then SweetOps is what you’re looking for:

  1. You’re on AWS
  2. You’re using Terraform as your IaC tool
  3. Your platform needs to be secure and potentially requires passing compliance audits (PCI, SOC2, HIPAA, HITRUST, FedRAMP, etc.)
  4. You don’t want to reinvent the wheel

With SweetOps you can implement the following complex architectural patterns with ease:

  1. An AWS multi-account Landing Zone built on strong, well-established principles including Separation of Concerns and Principle of Least Privilege (POLP).
  2. Multi-region, globally available application environments with disaster recovery capabilities.
  3. Foundational AWS-focused security practices that make complex compliance audits a breeze.
  4. Microservice architectures that are ready for massive scale running on Docker and Kubernetes.
  5. Reusable service catalogs and components to promote reuse across an organization and accelerate adoption

2. What is Atmos and its uses

Cloudposse Atmos is an open-source tool for managing and orchestrating infrastructure and applications on cloud providers like AWS, GCP, and Azure. It’s designed to simplify and automate the process of provisioning, deploying, and managing infrastructure and applications in a cloud-agnostic way.

Atmos provides a declarative configuration language that allows you to define your infrastructure and applications in a human-readable format, and then automates the provisioning and deployment process using Terraform and other tools.

Some key features of Cloudposse Atmos include:

- Declarative configuration language

- Cloud-agnostic architecture

- Support for multiple cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure)

- Integration with Terraform and other tools

- Automated provisioning and deployment

- Support for microservices and containerized applications

Cloudposse Atmos is often used by DevOps teams and cloud engineers to streamline their infrastructure and application management workflows, and to promote infrastructure-as-code (IaC) practices.

3. Launch a t2.micro EC2 instance, update the machine, and follow the commands below to install Atmos

# Update and install utilities

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y apt-utils curl

# Add the Cloud Posse repository

curl -1sLf '' | sudo bash

# Update package lists

sudo apt-get update

# Install atmos version 1.84.0

sudo apt-get install -y atmos=1.84.0-1

# Verify installation

atmos version

Also, make sure you run the command to clone the CloudPosse repo in a single line. We have successfully installed Atmos on our system.

4. After that, we need to create components, stacks, and some files. Make sure you follow the folder structure below, as it must be organized this way. Before creating the structure, create a main folder, and then set up the following structure within it for better understanding.

5. Now, we will start writing the Terraform files within that folder structure. Let’s get started!

6. First, add the following code to the atmos.yaml file. We need to configure atmos.yaml for our project.

base_path: "./"

base_path: "components/terraform"
apply_auto_approve: false
deploy_run_init: true
init_run_reconfigure: true
auto_generate_backend_file: false

base_path: "stacks"
- "deploy/**/*"
- "**/_defaults.yaml"
name_pattern: "{stage}"

file: "/dev/stderr"
level: Info

To configure Atmos for your project, we’ll create a file called atmos.yaml to specify where Atmos can find the Terraform components and Atmos stacks. This file allows you to configure almost everything in Atmos.

7. After that, navigate to the myapp component to write the Terraform code/module. First, create a file and add the following code to it.

you’ll see that everything is just plain Terraform (HCL) with nothing specific to Atmos. That’s intentional: we want to demonstrate that Atmos works seamlessly with plain Terraform. Atmos introduces conventions around how you use Terraform with its framework, which will become more evident in the subsequent lessons.

variable "stage" {
description = "Stage where it will be deployed"
type = string

variable "location" {
description = "Location for which the weather."
type = string
default = "Los Angeles"

variable "options" {
description = "Options to customize the output."
type = string
default = "0T"

variable "format" {
description = "Format of the output."
type = string
default = "v2"

variable "lang" {
description = "Language in which the weather is displayed."
type = string
default = "en"

variable "units" {
description = "Units in which the weather is displayed."
type = string
default = "m"

To make the best use of Atmos, ensure your root modules are highly reusable by accepting parameters, allowing them to be deployed multiple times without conflicts. This also usually means provisioning resources with unique names.

The file is where the main implementation of your component resides. This is where you define all the business logic for what you’re trying to achieve—the core functionality of your root module. If this file becomes too large or complex, you can break it into multiple files in a way that makes sense. However, sometimes that is also a red flag, indicating that the component is trying to do too much and should be broken down into smaller components.

In this example, we define a local variable that creates a URL using the variable inputs we receive. We also set up a data source to perform an HTTP request to that endpoint and retrieve the current weather. Additionally, we write this output to a file to demonstrate a stateful resource

locals {
url = format("",

data "http" "weather" {
url = local.url
request_headers = {
User-Agent = "curl"

# Now write this to a file (as an example of a resource)
resource "local_file" "cache" {
filename = "cache.${var.stage}.txt"
content =

The file is where provider pinning is typically defined. Provider pinning increases the stability of your components and ensures consistency between deployments in multiple environments.

terraform {
required_version = ">= 1.0.0" #you can use latest version as well

required_providers {}

The file is where, by convention in Terraform, you define any outputs you want to expose from your root module. Outputs are crucial for passing state between root modules and can be used with remote state or the Atmos function to retrieve the state of other components. In object-oriented terms, think of outputs as the 'public' attributes of the module, intended to be accessed by other modules. This convention helps maintain clarity and organization within your Terraform configurations.

output "weather" {
value =

output "url" {
value = local.url

output "stage" {
value = var.stage
description = "Stage where it was deployed"

output "location" {
value = var.location
description = "Location of the weather report."

output "lang" {
value = var.lang
description = "Language which the weather is displayed."

output "units" {
value = var.units
description = "Units the weather is displayed."

The sequence of defining these files does not matter

8. Now we are configuring our stack for deployment

If you think of your “components” as applications, then Stacks are simply which components you depend on and the settings that you want to pass to them. If you make your components highly reusable, it usually means they will need to accept a lot of configuration.

This is what makes Atmos so powerful: you can import and inherit configurations in a logical way to keep your configurations DRY and consistent.

We’ll start by defining the baseline configuration of our Terraform root module to gather weather data. The name of our component’s configuration doesn’t need to match the name of the component folder. This allows us to deploy multiple instances of our component using different names.


To specify which component to use, set the metadata.component property to the path of the component's directory, relative to the components.base_path defined in the atmos.yaml. In our case, the components.base_path is components/terraform, so you can simply specify weather as the path

component: weather

9. Next, go to /stacks/catalog and create a file named station.yaml.

component: weather
location: Los Angeles
lang: en
format: ''
options: '0'
units: m

10. Next, we’ll define the environment-specific configurations for our Terraform root module. We’ll create a separate file for each environment and stage. In our case, we have three environments: dev, staging, and prod

When Atmos processes this stack configuration, it will first import and deep-merge all the variables from the imported files, then apply the inline configuration. While the order of keys in a YAML map doesn’t affect behavior, lists are strictly ordered, so the sequence of imports is important

11. Define the configuration for the dev environment.

In the dev stack configuration, Atmos first processes the imports in the order defined. It then applies the global vars specified in the top-level section. Include only those vars in the globals that are applicable to every single component in the stack. For variables that aren't universally applicable, define them on a per-component basis.

For example, by setting var.stage to dev at a global level, we assume that every component in this stack will have a stage variable.

Finally, in the component-specific configuration for station, set the fine-tuned parameters for this environment. Everything else will be inherited from its baseline configuration. There are no strict rules about where to place configurations; organize them in a way that makes logical sense for your infrastructure’s data model.

To accomplish this, go to /stacks/deploy and create a file named dev.yaml.

stage: dev

- catalog/station

location: India
lang: en

12. In this demo, we will focus on the dev environment only. If you want to create configurations for stage and prod, you can refer to the official Atmos documentation for guidance.

13. After completing all the steps, the final file and folder structure should look like this:

14. Now that we have written all the modules in Terraform, we still need to install Terraform itself. Let’s proceed with the installation.

1. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y gnupg software-properties-common

2. wget -O- | \
gpg --dearmor | \
sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg > /dev/null

3. gpg --no-default-keyring \
--keyring /usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg \

4. echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/hashicorp-archive-keyring.gpg] \ $(lsb_release -cs) main" | \
sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hashicorp.list

5. sudo apt update

6. sudo apt-get install terraform

7. terraform version

15. Now, let’s deploy the module using the command below. Make sure to run this command from the root folder where the atmos.yaml file is located

atmos terraform apply myapp -s dev

16. Here, you can view either a graph or a report for the country India. Additionally, if you need to run the init or plan commands, you can execute them as well.

17. Atmos can change how you think about the Terraform code you write to build your infrastructure.

When you design cloud architectures with Atmos, you will first break them apart into pieces called components. Then, you will implement Terraform “root modules” for each of those components. Finally, compose your components in any way you like using stacks, without the need to write any code or messy templates for code generation.


In this blog, we’ve walked through the process of setting up and configuring Atmos with Terraform. We started by creating the necessary directory structure and defining the atmos.yaml configuration file. We then wrote the Terraform code for our components and environment-specific configurations.

We covered the steps to install Terraform and deploy the module, ensuring that everything was executed from the correct directory. By the end of this guide, you should have a solid understanding of how Atmos integrates with Terraform and how to manage infrastructure using this framework.

Feel free to explore Atmos further by consulting the official documentation for additional environments like staging and production. With this setup, you’re well-equipped to manage and scale your infrastructure effectively.

Thank you for following along, and I hope you found this tutorial helpful!




Shrihari Haridas
Shrihari Haridas

Written by Shrihari Haridas

Hello everyone, I am Shrihari Haridas I am a Cloud & DevOps Engineer, I work with most of DevOps Tools like, Jenkins, Git, Docker, etc.!& for Cloud AWS

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